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Pupil Premium
The ambition is that Pupil Premium students at Welling School will make, at least, expected progress in reading, writing and maths, through quality first teaching, pastoral support and rigorous intervention programmes that support in school and home learning.
We offer pastoral support through Achievement Team Leaders, Behaviour and Engagement Officers, Year Care Team and our ACE mentors. We aim to increase the engagement in school through the promotion of positive relationships between school, mentors, students and families. Through this we can achieve increased attendance of PP students which allows more exposure to the curriculum on offer and enables us to close the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
We aim to improve the ‘cultural capital’ of our PP students by offering a wide range of enrichment inside and outside of school. Students will have access to the school extra curricular programme and be provided with the opportunity to learn outside the classroom.
ACE: A Champion for Every Child Programme: Every Pupil Premium pupil (and their families) have regular one-to-one contact to build relationships and overcome barriers. Our ACE programme is part of the rollout of the TKAT pilot started in September 2021, which has been externally evaluated by TKAT and the ACE regional lead.
Since our pilot in 2021/21 we have maintained this team and are aiming to have an ACE mentor for each year group. At present our ACE team offers mentoring to PP students who are struggling to attend school. These PP students receive 1-1 mentoring weekly and group interventions where a need is identified. We have also added an ACE room within the school that provides a mentoring hub, breakfast club and homework support.
The documents below details how Welling School makes use of the additional funding it gains through Pupil Premium, along with the details of the impact it has on the students.