In 2017 Welling School achieved The Quality Award in CEIAG (outstanding). This is because we recognise that effective careers guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success. Our school has a critical role to play in preparing our young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Our expectations are high, including for our most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities, so that every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning and that employer’s value.
Research also tells us that careers education is fundamental to school improvement – pupils are motivated when they know what they want to achieve in their lives and how to go about it. The publication of Careers Guidance and Access for Education & Training Providers in January 2018 clearly states: “A successful careers guidance programme will also be reflected in higher numbers of pupils progressing to positive destinations such as apprenticeships, technical routes, sixth form colleges, FE colleges, university or employment.
Some year 11 students have a clear idea about what they want to do in the future and how to get there, but some have no idea at all. Others are somewhere in the middle or have changed their minds a few times. This is all normal, so if you’re feeling confused, try not to worry. There is help and information out there. Here are a couple of points to note about options after year 11:
- You must stay in learning until age 18. ‘Learning’ can mean a variety of things – not just full-time school or college (see below for more details).
- Whatever option you choose, if you don’t have a grade 4 (formerly C) in maths and/or English, you must keep studying these subjects until you achieve a 4 or equivalent (this applies until your 18th birthday).
So what are the options? Here are the main options available after year 11:
- School 6th form
- College
- Apprenticeships
- Traineeships (sometimes called other names, eg ‘pre-apprenticeships’).
Enclosed is further information on options available to you after Year 11.
Information on the different levels of apprenticeship—Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree—as well as the latest school leaver job news and advice to help guide you on your career journey
Spin the Wheel of Strengths and reflect on not only your skills, but your interests and personality traits, and how to develop them further to support your future.
Compare jobs by salary, working hours and employment prospects
Get tips and GCSE options, apprenticeships, university, finding work and more
National Careers Service Information, advice and guidance to help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career
Advice on the financial support young people may be able to access to help them participate in education and training.
Which University?
Browse our subject guides below for the perfect introduction to a subject at degree level, including what you need to apply and potential career paths.
Alternatives to University, Including Higher Apprenticeships, Sponsored Degrees and School Leave Schemes:
Applications - Graduate Jobs, Apprenticeships and Placements
Provides Support with Applying for the latest job vacancies.
Careers board helping to connect school and college leavers with the organisations looking to hire apprentices.
Information on the different levels of apprenticeship—Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree—as well as the latest school leaver job news and advice to help guide you on your career journey.
GOV UK National Apprenticeship Service
Register your profile, search vacancies and apply for an apprenticeship.
You can find apprenticeships, courses, graduate programmes and many more to give you the kick start you need to thrive in the industry of your choice.
Sponsored Degrees are school leaver programmes offered by companies which allow you to graduate debt-free.
Armed Forces
Identify careers in the armed forces.
Careers in the BBC
Register for vacancies with the BBC community
Careers in Creative Industry
Resources and careers information on working in the Creative Industries' Sector which comprises TV, film, radio, interactive media, animation, computer games, facilities, photo imaging, publishing, advertising and fashion and textiles.
Careers in Environmental Industry
See the Land-based and Environmental Careers. Explores Agriculture, Animal Care, Animal Technology, Aquaculture, Environmental Conservation, Equine, Farriery, Fencing, Fisheries Management, Floristry, Game & Wildlife Management, Land-based engineering, Horticulture, Landscaping & Sports Turf, Production Horticulture, Trees & Timber and Veterinary Activities.
Quarrying gives us the rock, sand and gravel we need for places to live, work and play. Are you mapping out your future? If so, you might like to take a closer look at an industry many of us take for granted and the careers there are. Look beneath the surface and you will find a vibrant, high tech and environmentally responsible industry that offers a host of exciting and rewarding challenges.
Careers in Law
Future Lawyers Network is a unique resource to help current and prospective law students become successful modern lawyers. With expert advice and insight, they aim to help you understand the legal market, prepare you for interviews and manage the early stages of your career.
View information about careers in law and entry routes.
Careers in Media
If you are a performer, casting professional or agent, click on the relevant link to the left to find out more about what Spotlight can do for you!
Careers in Maths
Use this resource which shows the range of careers where mathematics plays a significant role.
Careers in Medicine & Health Care
Popular jobs and apprenticeships in NHS
Careers in Motor Industry
View useful information on careers and apprenticeships in the motor industry.
Careers in Plumbing & Electrical
Careers in Policing
Find out more about working in a wide range of areas, from forecasting, observations, technology and engineering to marketing, business development or finance. Find out about the benefits and rewards you can get if you work for the Met Office.
Careers in Secret Service
MI5, MI6 and GCHQ offer a range of training, development and career opportunities. Find out more about what it's like to work for the secret services, what they do and what they can offer you.
Careers in Sport
Everything you could possibly want to know about working for the BBC. It includes types of careers, details about work experience and internships, access to their careers hub and current vacancies.
Careers in Racing
There are many different types of jobs in the horse racing industry. This website has case studies, details about the jobs, what’s involved in the jobs, qualifications and advice.
Careers in Social Research
So you want to work in social research? This site offers general advice available on who social researchers work for, training, qualifications needed and where to job search.
Careers in STEM
EDT (engineering Development Trust) is the largest provider of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) enrichment activities for UK youth. They provide opportunities for 11-21 year olds to enhance their technical, personal and employability skills through industry-led projects, industrial placements and specialised courses. They develop partnerships, build links between education and industry and help organisations reach talent and connect with young engineers and scientists across the UK.
Careers in Teaching
Look at up to date information about getting into the teaching profession. If you are interested in this career, this website is a must for you. You'll find out about the different training routes and what a career in teaching has to offer.
Bright Knowledge
An essential guide to careers, education and student life.
CV's & Cover Letter Help - Prospects
Learn how to write a professional CV and cover letter
Job Applications & Preparation
Find online applications for you to apply
Job preparations
The Situational Judgment Test (SJT) online preparation includes solving strategies, professional tips and practice questions with detailed answers.
Labour Market Information
Estimates of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and other employment-related statistics for the UK.
Psychometric Tests
Psychometric Test preparation in one complete guide for test takers like you. Includes practice questions, answers & expert advice.
Top Ten Employability Skills
The 10 main skills that employers value.
Volunteering and Gap Years
Gap year opportunitiesPlacing students aged 17+ in Year or undergraduate students in top UK companies and organisations every year.
For more information on this, please contact our careers lead, Jasminder Sanghera: