Our Vision and Values

We are Ambitious, Kind and Active


Our approach is inclusive, developed in line with research and underpinned by our core values.

  • We are active in our learning and take responsibility for our success
  • We are ambitious to achieve beyond expectation
  • We are kind to ourselves and others without making excuses.

Our aim is to provide an outstanding learning experience for all students within a safe, disciplined and caring environment. Students will engage in a seven year learning journey which will challenge and inspire them and one which will see them progress and grow into independent, confident, respectful young people.

We understand the power of learning outside of the classroom and believe that in order to help students grow as confident, resilient young people our students should experience as many things as we can possibly provide. Therefore, alongside our core values, we have our pledges that reflect the minimum commitments provided to students to ensure a wide range of opportunities are experienced. Each student's progress towards achieving these pledges is tracked and monitored throughout their time at Welling. We are committed that by the end of Year 13 all students will have had the opportunity to:

  • Attend a professional performance
  • Take part in a charity collection or community work
  • Participate in a school club
  • Have an international experience
  • Have the opportunity to gain leadership experience
  • Take part in a performance or presentation in front of an audience
  • Take part in a residential activity
  • To participate in work experience
  • Visit a place of worship
  • Take part in a school trip
  • Visit a museum or gallery
  • Listen to talks about safeguarding

Welling School Pledges