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If You Are Worried
If you have any concerns, the team is contactable on dsl@wellingschool-tkat.org or via the main reception on 020 8304 8531 during normal school hours (term time).
For individual queries, the details are below:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms H Loughlin
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs L Akers and Simone Mahoney
Mr P Hemsley (Deputy Headteacher / Safeguarding Team)
Ms Key - Lead ACE tutor
Ms Katy Cooper - ACE tutor
Ms Shannon Armer - ACE tutor
Mr Tristin Freeman - ACE tutor
If your concern is outside of school hours please visit the Bexley or Greenwich Social Care Websites (details below) or, in an emergency, call 999.
Bexley Children's Social Services
Greenwich Children's Social Services
External support:
Please visit the link below for additional support that is available for mental health and wellbeing locally.
Other useful websites:
The Bexley Mental health support teams in school is a new initiative that looks to help young people with emerging mental health difficulties access targeted support and psychoeducation before their difficulties become severe and they would require full CAMHS support.
Taking a whole school approach with our educational colleagues we will be discussing school processes that will help the Mental health of the pupil community. We also look to facilitate groups & workshops that discuss a psych education on numerous mental health subjects such as anxiety, exam stress, self esteem, relationships and body image. These will be both general, such as towards specific year groups or targeted towards those needing help in those areas.
Work can also be commenced individually for low mood and anxiety. We ask the school to identify those young people who may be beginning to show difficulties in these areas and refer them to us. We will then get some information from parents and the young people themselves before undertaking a manualised approach to helping them. The manuals are generally 6-8 sessions of CBT based guided self help, which will help them to identify their difficulties and think of solutions to these. This work can be conducted within school, virtually or at our CAMHS base in Erith.
If your child/children/young people are showing signs of Mental health difficulties, which are concerning you please contact the safeguarding team who can make a referral on your behalf.
The online world is changing rapidly and trends and new developments can be hard to follow. There are several organisations who regularly publish information to support parents and professionals in order to support. Some are listed below:
All Welling School parents have free access to National Online Safety which offers video tutorials on various topics relating to online safety.
Details of how to access this have been sent out via email but can be sent again either through reception, or by contacting the safeguarding team directly.
National Online Safety has a number of guides to support parents and carers in their understanding of various online platforms. Below is a quick guide for things to be aware of in relation to Chromebooks.