Year 9 - Options

You have reached a very important milestone in your education. You will begin to shape your own future by deciding which subjects you want to study over the next two years; making decisions that will affect your future. We want you to make the right decisions and we will be guiding you through this process so that you can make informed decisions. 

At the heart of Welling School is a broad and balanced curriculum that focuses on building successful futures for all students. Our core priority is to embed an inspirational curriculum experience which fully ensures you are rich in knowledge, proficient in skill, confident in ability, and provides a range of opportunity and experiences to build your cultural capital and aspiration for their future.

For all students, the following subjects will be compulsory for GCSE study:

  • English Language & English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science (Triple or Combined)

As well as these core subjects, most students will study either History or Geography. In addition, Grammar and Express stream students will be guided towards a Modern Foreign Language (Spanish). Alongside these subjects you will have core PE lessons and sessions on Personal Development and Citizenship. In addition to the compulsory subjects listed above, you will be invited to choose either one or two additional subjects (depending on your curriculum pathway) from the remaining subjects detailed in this booklet.

For more information about which subjects to choose, please see our options booklet below : 

Options Booket - 2025

Documents and Communications

Options Letter - 2025

Indicative Option Choices