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Safeguarding Curriculum
Safeguarding and the promotion of British Values is central to our work at our school. We plan to constantly challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their own personal physical and mental wellbeing.
Priority on identifying opportunities in the structured and unstructured curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding is core to our school.
Our unique curriculum and values give pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire resilience, knowledge, understanding and skills that significantly impact on personal development, behaviour, welfare and safety and equips every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding.
Our PSCHE curriculum covers many different areas of Safeguarding including RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), drugs and alcohol education, anti-bullying, healthy relationships, citizenship and health education. We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects need to be taught at an age appropriate level, or at a small group or 1:1 level where a more urgent need arises.
Safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum, for example:
- Safeguarding Assemblies
- Road and beach safety (including school visits, bikeability, work with police officers in the community)
- Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons
- Fire awareness (including visits to and from the local fire service)
- Visits to school from medical staff
- Visitors from charities such as NSPCC
- Work from local voluntary sector services particularly around safe transition to Secondary school
- Online safety and the use of social media
If you have any concerns, the team is contactable on dsl@wellingschool-tkat.org or via the main reception on 020 8304 8531 during normal school hours (term time).