
The school’s attendance target is 96%. All available evidence shows a very strong correlation between attendance and academic outcomes, with those children with less than 90% attendance half as likely to achieve 5 good passes at GCSE when compared with those who have 100% attendance.

If your child is not well enough to attend school we ask that you notify the school on the student absence line (07592 025352) or by emailing before 8:00am on each morning of absence. 

If the school has not been contacted, we will endeavour to phone home to find out the reason for absence, and/or a text message will be sent to parents/carers. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of the reason for absence in order that it can be authorised. This must be completed each day that your child is absent, unless there is an ongoing medical condition that we are aware of.

Any absence that exceeds 5 days must be supported by medical evidence.  If parents or carers are unresponsive following a period of absence, the school may decide to make a referral to Social Care.

Where there are persistent or prolonged periods of sickness, the school may refer the matter to SEAAS, our Education Welfare Service, so that the correct advice and assistance can be put in place to support the family.

There may be occasions where medical evidence is needed to support the reasons for your child’s absence from school. The school and SEAAS will not approach your doctor to obtain that evidence; it is your responsibility as a parent/carer to provide a medical certificate or doctor’s letter, as appropriate.


As COVID-19 presents a low risk to children and young people, combined with high vaccination rates in the population, there are no longer specific rules relating to isolation. Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to go to school. Children should only remain at home if they feel excessively unwell and have a very high temperature. A positive Covid-19 test result does not automatically mean that a child should remain off school.

Leave of absence
Permission to be away from school is granted only in special cases, for example for dental or medical appointments, if these cannot be made at any other time. However, for these absences a copy of the appointment card or letter should be provided when making the request for absence. We would expect a student to be absent for the appointment only and not for the full day.

Occasionally we make concessions for important family commitments, or for outings connected with a future career. If you think that you can reasonably ask permission for your child to be away, please write to Mr Hemsley, Deputy Headteacher overseeing attendance, at least 5 days prior to the requested absence, to allow the school the opportunity to consider your request. Such requests can be emailed to:


Attendance Team

  • P. Hemsley - Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for Attendance
  • C. Britton - Attendance Manager
  • P. Turner - Attendance Officer
  • I. McLellan - South-East Attendance Advisory Service (SEAAS)

All incoming communications regarding attendance and absence should go through

Prosecution for non-attendance

With thirteen weeks’ of holidays, there should be no reason to take a family holiday during term time. Penalty notices can be issued to parents who take their children out of school, as in doing so they are neglecting their legal obligation to provide a full-time education for their child.  The disruption to students’ learning for a week or more may have a detrimental effect on their progress.

Further to this, the school will consider the use of Fixed-Penalty Notice for parents/carers who permit casual absenteeism; typically this would be indicated through an attendance figure between 80-90%. In the first instance the school will always work to support families in securing better attendance, but should this avenue prove unsuccessful, FPN will be considered, with a fine of up to £160 payable by each parent.

Students whose attendance is below 80%, without acceptable medical or other permissible evidence, will be vulnerable to prosecution. This could lead to a fine of up to £2500 or a custodial sentence of up to three months.

If you are concerned about your child’s attendance and want further support from the school, please contact your child’s ATL, or