

The academic route is likely to consist of a full programme of A Level courses. A Levels are  examination based, and are suitable to lead into degree level study. In order to follow an Academic programme, students will need to achieve a minimum of five higher passes at GCSE. Students will typically follow three or four A Levels, with the actual number determined by each individual’s GCSE results. Students may be offered the opportunity to follow an extended project qualification (EPQ), which highlights and emphasises independent learning skills, leading to a fully recognised qualification highly thought of by a variety of universities.

Mixed Programmes

Welling recognises that a ‘straightforward’ route is not the most appropriate route for all learners and we pride ourselves on catering for the individual. Depending on GCSE outcomes, students may be encouraged to study one academic course, particularly if there is an area in which they excel. This may then be supported by additional vocational courses that cater for their individual learning needs. For example, a talented artist may study A Level Graphic Art, and support this with 2 Level 3 Cambridge Technical qualifications in ICT and Business. Whatever the best path is for an individual, we’ll be sure to put them on it.

Whilst a mixed programme may seem confusing at first, you will receive insightful guidance from experienced staff at your transition meeting that will ensure you follow the most appropriate courses for you if possible.


The vocational route at Welling enables students to follow a suite of courses which develop skills suitable for the workplace, testing learning in a range of different ways throughout the year – not just traditional examinations at the end. Some students will access vocational courses (equivalent to an A Level), particularly if they secure 5 or more good passes at GCSE (grade 4).

Level 2 Pathway

The Level 2 Pathway allows students who have not met entry requirements for Level 3 courses to access a programme of learning designed to provide a year of consolidation with a view to a further 2 years in the sixth form. This pathway includes English language and mathematics GCSE re-sits and could lead to a 2-year Level 3 vocational study programme.

Entry Requirements

Each course will have its own specific entry requirements, which can be found on the following pages. As a result of national changes, this is likely to include a mixture of alphabetical and numerical grades so please ensure you consider this information carefully. For example, to study A Level Psychology, students will need to achieve at least 5 ‘strong passes’, including a minimum of a grade 5 in English and maths, and a grade 5 in science.

The term ‘strong pass’ refers to a grade A*– C, or between 5 and 9. The term ‘humanities subjects’ refers to History, Geography and/or Religious Education. Please note that all courses are subject to viability.