Academic Subjects

Academic subjects and pathways require students to achieve at least five grade 5s at GCSE. Some subjects will have their own specific grade entry requirements due to the demands of the A-Level course. 

Exam board: OCR

This OCR Biology course delivers the essential content of most Biology courses with the freedom to explore different contextual examples, including HIV and cystic fibrosis. This course holds practical work at the heart of its specification and this is reflected in the numerous investigative opportunities embedded alongside the 12 assessed practical’s. 
A Level Biology can offer entry onto university courses in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Sciences and Earth Sciences. Biology is also highly regarded as an additional A Level if you are applying for science, maths or arts subjects. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 6 or higher in GCSE Triple Science or Combined Science, Grade 5 or higher in Maths

Exam board: AQA

This AQA Chemistry course allows students to explore three main topics; organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. AQA Chemistry has been developed to integrate real-world experiences into its specification, in order to engage and interest new students. The course centres around core practical’s and has been developed with assistance from top universities in order to provide a stepping stone into higher education. 
A Level Chemistry can offer entry into university courses in Biochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical science and environmental science. Chemistry is also highly regarded as an additional A Level if you are applying for other science, maths or arts subjects. 

Specific GCSE Requirements:  Grade 6 or higher in GCSE Triple Science or Combined Science, Grade 5 or higher in Maths

Exam board: Edexcel

Economics is to apply economic theory to support analysis of current economic problems and issues, and encourage students to appreciate the interrelationships between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Students develop the knowledge and skills needed to understand and analyse data, think critically about issues and make informed decisions. They will also build upon their quantitative skills and appreciate that, when evaluating arguments, both qualitative and quantitative evidence are important.
Students will be assessed through three examination papers. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 5 or higher in GCSE Maths

Exam board: AQA

You will engage critically and creatively with a range of written and spoken texts and evaluate how language is used by writers. You will also create your own texts and reflect on your own processes of production. The English language is explored as a topic in its own right and you will be working independently to research aspects of language. 
The course is relevant for any degree or career that involves written or spoken communication and a comprehensive grasp of the English language. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 5 or higher in GCSE English Language

Exam board: AQA

You will be introduced to a variety of text forms from a range of authors and times under the theme of ‘Love through the Ages’. Alongside Shakespeare’s Othello, Carol Ann Duffy’s Feminine Gospels poetry anthology and two pieces of prose, you will study a selection of texts of your own choice to produce a piece of independent, extended coursework. 
By developing your skills of critical reading, analytical investigation and appreciation of various socio-historical contexts, this A Level will help prepare you for a wide variety of university courses. 
Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 6 or higher in GCSE English Literature

Exam board: AQA

A-level Dance is a dynamic qualification which encourages students to develop their creative and intellectual capacity, alongside transferable skills such as team working, communication and problem solving. All of these are sought after skills by higher education and employers and will help them stand out in the workplace whatever their choice of career. This specification reflects both historical and current dance practices, making it more relevant, and inspires a lifelong passion and appreciation for dance.In Component 1, there are three practical dance tasks. Two tasks assess the subject content for Performance and the other task assesses the subject content for Choreography. Component 2 is the written exam and assesses the subject content for Critical engagement.

Specific GCSE Requirements: A Grade 5 in English GCSE 
Ideally you should have studied Dance at GCSE and obtained at least a Grade 6. It is possible that you could be considered without a GCSE in Dance, but in this case you would need to be able to demonstrate an aptitude for the subject through an audition workshop. 

Exam board: OCR

This creative and thought-provoking qualification will give you the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers, especially those in the creative industries. You will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design and technology, whilst enjoying opportunities to put your learning into practice by producing prototypes of your choice. You will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by higher education and employers.

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 5 or higher in maths and science GCSEs. 

Exam board: Edexcel

This qualification has a straightforward structure with three components, one that focuses on devising, one that focuses on performing or designing skills and one that focuses on practical exploration of texts to interpret them for performance. There is a focus on the practical exploration of performance texts, including exploring them in light of the work of theatre practitioners. The performance texts that will be studied for the exam will require students to articulate how they would perform in certain roles, design for certain scenes and interpret a text for performance, putting practical work at the heart of the specification. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 5 or higher in English Language and/or grade 5 or higher in GCSE Drama. Please be aware that an audition may be required in order to ensure you are suitable for this course. 

Exam board: AQA

Fine Art A-level is a challenging and widely respected course which provides a platform to many careers and further education opportunities. The course has a strong emphasis on drawing to generate ideas as well as an end in itself and students are expected to be confident practitioners. Students are expected to have a real interest in Fine Art and to develop their personal practice. The course will support and develop your work, starting with workshops from our specialist team using a wide variety of materials and approaches. Contextual links are built over time and reinforced by out of school learning opportunities as well as European and UK trips. Our students' work has been exhibited and sold in several major London Galleries and we have an excellent reputation and links with Higher Education institutions. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Minimum grade 4 in an art based GCSE course and a portfolio of work 

Exam board: Edexcel 

A-Level Further Maths covers a range of advanced level further mathematics topics that extend a level further mathematics beyond the content covered in A-Level Maths.
Studying A level Further Mathematics is excellent preparation for a degree in Mathematics. Many university maths departments encourage students to take Further Mathematics at A level as it introduces a wider range of pure and applied content, such as matrices and complex numbers. Students who have studied Further Mathematics often find the transition to university far more straightforward.

Specific GCSE requirements: grade 8 or higher in GCSE maths

Exam board: Edexcel

A Level History in Year 12 looks at how two of the world’s biggest democracies have evolved over the last century. We study how Britain and the USA have reached their current position in areas such as politics, economics, culture, society, quality of life, and race. We also study historical controversies such as the impact of Mrs Thatcher on the UK. 
Furthermore we study in depth and breadth the witchcraze that swept across Europe, Britain and North America from 1580-1750. The coursework will be on interpretations of the causes of the Holocaust. Students examine the historical debate surrounding whether it was a ‘crooked path’ or a ‘straight road’ to extermination. 
Success in A-Level History leads to a wide range of career paths that include Law, banking, journalism, archaeology, research and a myriad of public services. A qualification in History shows potential employers and Universities that you have developed powerful research and analytical skills. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Minimum grade 6 or higher in a humanities based subject

Exam board: Edexcel

Course Description: Most of the course is the study of pure Mathematics. This is the foundation of all areas of Mathematics comprising algebra, graphs, trigonometry, exponentials, logarithms, numerical methods, vectors and calculus. 
The remainder is the application of mathematical knowledge and skills to the study of Statistics (range of statistical and probability models) and Mechanics (practical application of mechanics). 
Mathematics is an essential requirement for degree level study of Mathematics, Engineering and many Sciences. Mathematics supports the higher level study of a variety of subjects including Science, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Computing and Economics. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Maths

Exam board: AQA

This course is for anyone who wants to create meaning through photography, as well as learning about the technical aspects of the medium , you will also study photography in a historical and social context. Students are expected to have a real interest in Photography. There is a strong emphasis on students developing and extending their photographic practice and understanding of the possibilities inherent in the medium. The course will support and develop your work, starting with workshops from our specialist team using a wide variety of materials and approaches. Contextual links are built over time and reinforced by out of school learning opportunities as well as European and UK trips. 
As well as a number of arts based and creative fields including photography, photojournalism, picture editing, fashion design or graphics, photography is a well-respected qualification that is useful for any University application and many careers. 

Specific GCSE Requirements:  Minimum grade 4 in an art based GCSE course and a portfolio of work 

Exam board: AQA

Lively, relevant and controversial…there are many ways to describe A-level Politics. There’s no denying that it’s one of the most interesting and engaging qualifications you can choose.Covering news and current affairs from the UK and US, it helps you understand how the UK country is run and develops research, written communication and debate skills. It also helps grow your confidence.It’s ideal if you’re considering studying politics, sociology, ethics, advertising or journalism at university and is highly regarded by employers in industries including politics, international organisations, the media, government and the civil service.

Specific GCSE Requirements: Minimum grade 6 or higher in a humanities based subject. This includes History, Geography or English Literature

Exam board: AQA

You will gain an understanding of concepts, theories and studies in relation to Cognitive Psychology and Developmental Psychology. Alongside this you will study research methods and investigation skills. Finally you will develop a knowledge and understanding of ethical issues associated with these areas of Psychology. You will be required to complete your own studies and complete data analysis. 
You could go on to work as a psychologist or in the health sector. Many students of Psychology also pursue careers in teaching, social work and the law. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: Grade 5 or higher in English Language and Maths

Exam board: AQA

A-level Sociology offers students the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of how society works. Topics studied include Families and Households, Education, Crime and Deviance, Sociological Theory, Research Methods and Global Development. Different sociological views and perspectives about these topics will be explored and compared. 
You could go on to work in journalism, politics, finance, the civil service, the legal system, teaching, social work, the police, community development, charities, market research and many other areas. 

Specific GCSE Requirements: A grade 5 or higher in English Language.