“Giving every student the opportunity to become a successful linguist”
We live in a global world where language skills are highly valued. Having foreign language skills at all levels from basic to advanced are valued in the world of business and employment. Being able to communicate in a second language can have a positive effect on experiences of travel abroad and also in relationships with speakers of other languages within our school or local community. Linguists learn as much about Spanish culture as Spanish itself. The Spanish language journey at Welling School is dynamic and rewarding. It gives all students the opportunity to excel and to develop an understanding of different opinions and beliefs, supporting our aims to be kind and tolerant.
Students in years 7, 8 and 9 gain understanding of the basics that underpin their learning in the following key stages. They study a range of topics relating to life in Spain and Spanish speaking countries as well as common experiences of school, technology and going out. The four skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking are developed throughout KS3 to cover the expectations of the national curriculum. There is an emphasis on phonics learning to improve pronunciation and vocabulary knowledge. We also ensure the students learn about and experience Spanish culture through the celebration of cultural events such as Semana Santa, San Fermin and Navidad. Film studies in the final term also give students the opportunity to study a Spanish language film and to complete a project.
Our students complete a spelling test once a week and self-assessment knowledge checks for homework verification. At the end of each term, when the topic is concluded, there sit a Topic Test or an assessment to evaluate progress and provide data to parents.
Throughout the course we revisit and test the 5 key skills necessary to become a linguist - knowledge of literacy , knowledge of numeracy, Reading and understanding in Spanish, listening and understanding in Spanish and producing Spanish in written and spoken forms,
Students in year 10 begin to learn the specific content for the GCSE examinations. We follow the AQA Spanish specification. The four equally weighted skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are practised through the three themes of People and Lifestyle, Popular Culture and Communication and the world around us, n. Students will study a range of grammar and descriptive and narrative writing skills throughout the course which is 100% examination.
Students complete weekly Knowledge Checks in the form of vocabulary tests. Throughout the course we revisit and test the 5 key skills necessary to become a great linguist and skills tests at the end of each topic makes us aware of any knowledge or skill gaps. The termly summative assessment evaluates progress and provides data to parents. There are 3 Mock exam periods for GCSE students, Bronze at the end of Year 10, Silver and Gold in Year 11. These are designed to give the students practice for official examinations and provide them with feedback on how to improve and identify their areas for development. These exams also impact the tiering of students who will be entered for either Higher tier (Grade 4-9) or Foundation tier (Grades 1 – 5). At the end of year 11, students will complete 4 papers – Reading, listening, writing and speaking . The speaking is conducted by their teacher.
The journey towards becoming a successful life-long language learner starts at an earlier age, but Key stage 5 is pivotal in determining the options/pathways available to students after their post-16 education. .A-Level Spanish is a highly demanding but rewarding subject., and we offer the 1 year AS programme as well as the 2 Year A Level. Our students follow the AQA specification for Spanish. The A level course is highly valued by universities as it involves engaging with challenging new language across themes as varied as the cultural heritage of Latin America and the dictatorship in Spain. A film Volver is studied and analysed and a play - La Casa de Bernarda Alba allows for analytical and discursive approaches to literature and film. Students have the opportunity to go on an overseas trip to Spain and the Spanish cultural calendar in London offers students extra curricular events such as film festivals, theatre productions, food festivals and flamenco dance festivals . These offerings broaden student’s cultural knowledge and engagement with the language.
The reading, listening and writing elements of the A Level are 100% examination. The speaking involves an Independent research project which is prepared and presented in the speaking examination conducted by the teacher . We aim to enable students to become inquisitive and curious learners with high levels of analytical and evaluative skills.
Extra Curricular Activities
Languages Café runs weekly for KS3 students. This club offers students the opportunities to celebrate different languages that are spoken in our school community. Run by a native Italian speaker, students learn about language and culture. The Rumanian Club - this club runs weekly and is open to Rumanian speakers and non-speakers who want to learn about Rumanian culture and language.
A yearly trip to the British Film Institute Spanish cinema day helps to develop cultural knowledge and understanding
Restaurant and gallery trips for Year 11 link to the GCSE theme of Communication and the world around us . With students experiencing the food, art and culture of the Spanish speaking world in central London or locally.
A yearly school trip for GCSE and A Level students to Seville Spain offers students the opportunity to practise their spoken Spanish and to experience Spanish culture first hand.
Theatre production of La Casa de Bernarda Alba Flamenco shows at Sadlers Wells Theatre, Volver study days at the British Film Institute. All of these activities support the curriculum as well as giving students the opportunity to experience Spanish and Latinamerican culture