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The English Curriculum has been designed with the aim to broaden students’ range of reading and writing and with the intent to develop students into critical readers and excellent communicators. 


The key stage 3 curriculum encompasses a range of texts, writing styles and activities all designed to lay the foundations for GCSE and A-Level. We cover 19th Century prose with Oliver Twist; Shakespeare texts with A Midsummer Nights’ Dream and Romeo and Juliet; modern texts with Animal Farm, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NIght-time and Samll Island; a range of poetry under the themes of love and other cultures. We also use Diverse Short Stories to promote tolerance, understanding and empathy.

Accompanying this curriculum we have library lessons which are created to support independent reading and using the resources available in the Learning Resource Centre. We also have dedicated mastery writing lessons designed to support written accuracy and the writing of non-fiction texts. We also give students the opportunity to work on their oracy skills alongside a non-fiction unit of work to help build confidence, resilience and active learning.


The key stage four curriculum builds upon the skills and knowledge taught at key stage three. We study the following set texts from the AQA GCSE Literature specification:

  • A Christmas Carol
  • Macbeth
  • An Inspector Calls
  • Love and Relationships anthology.

Students should come to their GCSE with prior knowledge of the Victorian era and Charles Dickens after studying Oliver Twist; Shakespearen tragedies and his use of language; the form of modern plays and how characterisation is created through this form of writing; and the figurative language and forms that poetry can take. Each text is studied in depth by looking at students creating their own opinions based on information from the text; analysing the writers’ choice of language and the significant impact that can have on readers and audiences; and considering the writer’s intentions behind constructing these texts.

We also follow the AQA specification for GCSE Language. This part of the curriculum is organised into three key areas:

  • Journalist writing
  • Creative writing
  • Speech writing

Students study a range of texts within these three disciplines to develop their reading and analytical skills. Students also will build their toolbox for crafting their own written piece by looking at how successful established writers achieve this.


We offer A-Level Literature and A-Level Language courses following the AQA specification for both.

The A-Level Literature course continues to build upon the knowledge gained at key stage three and four. Students study:

  • Othello
  • Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
  • Oranges are not the only Fruit
  • The Great Gatsby
  • Feminine Gospels
  • Pre 1990 Poetry collection

Students explore these texts in depth by looking at students creating their own opinions; analysing the writers’ choice of language and the significant impact; considering the writer’s intentions behind constructing these texts but also from a critical theorist perspective. To support the journey to independence, students design their own coursework questions exploring connections between two texts in a particular area that they have a keen interest in.

A-Level Language explores how established writers use the power of language to craft, shape and manipulate a reader’s thoughts and feelings; how meanings and representations are created. The course also looks at how the English language has evolved over time and how it continues to evolve and whether this evolution is negative or positive. Language is also analysed with regards to the following areas also:

  • Gender
  • Power
  • Occupation

There is also the chance to look at how children acquire language and communication skills as well as looking at debates surrounding other areas of the English language.

Students also get the chance to design their own coursework element:

  • a piece of original writing with commentary
  • an investigation into a specific area of language where they have a keen interest.

Extra Curricular Activities

At key stage three we offer the opportunity to visit the Dickens museum in London, The Globe Theatre for productions and/ or text specific workshops/ We also are creating a school Newspaper.

At key stage four we have theatre companies visit to perform adaptations of the key GCSE texts as well as attend external workshops to support studies.

At key stage five we offer the students opportunities to take part in seminar and lectures. This often takes place either online or in person.